Here at The Little Leather Factory, we love to create handbags that are not only bespoke and tailored to your needs but also of the highest quality.

That’s why we take great pride in exclusively working with the best manufacturers in Europe and Italian leather.

Our service allows you to take full ownership of the creative process from start to end; we listen to your briefing and suggest the best options in leather or eco-leather; we then provide you with a sample and only when happy, with your full collection.

Of course, there are many items you could design and manufacture with The Little Leather Factory. We don’t only offer the best custom handbags but also a wide range of leather accessories; these could not only become exclusive luxury pieces for your collection but also invaluable corporate gifts.

Have a look below at some of our favourite ones NOW:


Our stationery is the perfect corporate gift or the first step for the launch of your very own collection. Available in leather and eco-leather, our stationery line can include organisers and pencil cases.

Our belts could make a fine choice for any gift or as part of a dapper leather collection for the most elegant gentlemen out there. Our minimum quantity for this item is of 10 pieces ONLY.

Practical and in soft bespoke leather, our wallets could be the best addition to your leather collection yet. They would make a fine corporate gift or a wonderful new addition to your men’s accessory collection.

Do you want to find out more? Head over to our site NOW: