The Little Leather Factory is a leather bag and accessories manufacturer renowned for its craftsmanship and quality. Our mission is to create a stylish line of luxury fashion bags and accessories for men and women. In addition to leather bags, The Little Leather Factory also offers leather accessories and corporate gifts.

We are about passion…We love creating beautiful bags, elegant accessories and luxury corporate gifts. We want to inspire our customers as well as our team by creating wonderful items that will add style and beauty to any closet.

We are about design … Being a leather bag and accessories manufacturer, we stand for crafting sophisticated and luxury items and design each product in our range with exquisite details and the finest materials.

We are about vision … We believe that the most desirable products are the ones that are not only unique but also timeless. Our accessories boast a modern, yet classic style and are a favourite of many national and international designers. 

We are about handmade …We take great pride in our artisanship and we will work with you every step of our journey together; from the design to the selection of the materials and the manufacturing. You will soon find out that our products are little works of art. Our customer bag makers have been hand-making beautiful bags and accessories for over ten years. Many of them have experience manufacturing bags and accessories for worldwide famous brands such as Rocco Barocco, Maxmara and Valentino.

Our artisans work exclusively with the best materials for both our leather (genuine 100% leather) and vegan leather range.




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